Praying and Thinking of You

In my experience, I have seen numerous events like 9/11 attacks that have caused the nation to grieve, and in time recover and find healing and peace. Nothing will ever compare to it. But this past week has been overwhelming. To see and hear breaking news reports every day has taken its toll on many, including me. It has been a dramatic, draining week. With news reports that have either startled or disturbed me. It is has been devastating.

It began on Monday with the Boston marathon explosion and as a result of the deadly attacks, three people were killed and 176 wounded. Then there was news of a poisoned letter sent to the President, the Texas fertilizer plant explosion that killed at least 14 people and parts of a community is now missing, and a powerful earthquake in China that killed 156 people and 5,500 injured with a number of people still missing.

With the week ending in a shootout and firing of explosives where more victims were hurt or killed, and lock down of a city in the attempt to capture those who were responsible for Monday’s Boston marathon tragic event. Innocent lives being taken, many critically injured or wounded and still there’s an unspecified number of people still not accounted for in many events that have been reported.

In all my years, I don’t recall ever having witnessed such chaos and confusion seen consistently as I’ve seen this past week. Sadly, we don’t what will come next or what will happen in the coming weeks. All we can do is be prepared mentally and not react to what we continue to see. The best response is to pray for the families hurting, the weak and the weary, and ones grieved.

Pray for loved ones, lost ones, and families across the nation. They are going through a difficult time. Make a faith declaration. To show your trust and faith in what you believe; God, even thought we cannot see Him. Keep the victims and families who have experienced tragedy in prayer every day. God will make a way.

Unfortunately, the events sadly may now lead to fear and avoidance for some, where many may become afraid to leave their homes. There are some who now do not feel safe and are afraid to return to the place they once felt safe. The place they called home before the earthquake. There may be a rise in the incidence of people who may begin to avoid crowds, minimize or change they way do things in the wake of what’s happening now.

Sadly, tragedies have occurred that will hurt generations for years to come but let it not put fear in our hearts because of what others have done.

However, let this be a time where we reinforce our values and things we hold dear and near to our heart. To live in peace with one another in spite our feeling overwrought, in light of the world that seems to be ripping apart.

Guard your heart. Let God be your guide. Avoid anger, temptation, and pride. Do as God’s Word instructs, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as Christ God forgave you” (Ephesians 4:32). Strive for contentment no matter what others do.

In every situation no matter what you may face, keep your mind and thoughts in the right place. Don’t give up. But continue to run the race. Praise God no matter what you may face. “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things” (Philippians 4: 8).

Keep the families and victims in your thoughts and prayers. Pray that God comforts and strengthen them during their times of despair.

As for me, please know we are praying and thinking of you. May God bless you.

Be blessed! -JD

Isaiah 40:28-31 “Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. 29 He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. 30 Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; 31 but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”


Filed under My Thoughts, Poem, Uncategorized

9 responses to “Praying and Thinking of You

  1. prayingforoneday

    Touching and well said.
    These are hard times. All we can do is pray “Sense is seen” by those in power and those who want to bring harm to our world. We (The people) Don’t want this as our world. We can live in hope..

    Great Blog
    Shaun x


    • Thank you! Yes these are hard times. And I believe prayer is the answer. One day with hope we can all live in unity…. I’m hopeful 🙂

      Thanks for the compliment 🙂


      • prayingforoneday

        My pleasure..
        We all help here. We are all at each others sides from afar

        Shaun x


      • Absolutely. Yes we are all here to help. That’s why I love the award you created “I Am A Part Of The WordPress Family”. I feel like I belong. BTW…I am going to create another page to display the award and credit back to you. I am still learning how to refer others so please do not be offended with my not doing so with the awards you’ve nominated me for in the past. In time, I will get the hang of it. Thanks for understanding.

        You are a great support, Shaun.


      • prayingforoneday

        Take your time, please…
        And if you need help, I am a PC Tech and can and will help..
        Let me know.
        And understanding is a given x



      • Thanks Shaun! I will let you know.


      • prayingforoneday

        Please do..

        Thanks x


  2. Reblogged this on W.H.A.T.!™ and commented:
    She said what many are talking about and going through. . . healing! There’s nothing left for me to add except the following prayer: O God! We are weak, give us strength. We are poor, bestow upon us Thine illimitable treasures. We are sick, grant us Thy divine healing. We are powerless, give us Thy heavenly power. O Lord! make us useful in this world, free from the condition of self and desire. . . . ~`Abdu’l Bahá


    • Thanks my sister friend for re-blogging my post. It means an awful lot to me. It is much appreciated 🙂

      Thanks so much for the heartfelt prayer. It is beautiful.

      I stand in agreement with you in my petition to God in prayer that he gives us strength to endure and healing be found in spite of what the enemy brings. God is a healer. And if I don’t know anything else, I am assured we can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens us.

      Have a wonderful and blessed day in the Lord!
