Monthly Archives: May 2019

The Devil Tried It… God Blocked It!

The Devil Tried It JoaynnWhen you are chasing after God trying to do what’s right to please him and the devil come from the north, south, east and west, with a bag full of artillery filled with deception trying to stop what he knows God done already started, be confident of this. It’s already done. God blocked it!

The devil ain’t got no authority or power over you. He can’t do a thing to you without God’s permission. He knows this. Be encouraged. Tell the truth and shame the devil! Take back your authority.

God anointed you for such a time as this. Walk boldly in your purpose. Be fearless!!

Be blessed! – JD

Exodus 14:14 “The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.”


Filed under My Thoughts, Uncategorized

Why Some of Y’all Turning Your 11 Day Journey into a 40 Year One? Stop it! Check Your GPS Navigation Signals

GPS JoaynnThe other day I had an epiphany. Imagine this. It took the Israelites 40 years wandering in wilderness which should have only taken 11 days to reach the Promised Land, delaying their arrival because of the path they chose to take. As well as their mindset.

Going around the same mountain over and over with a merry-go-round mentality, instead of changing it to make progress to reach their final destination. Sounds familiar? Question? Why some of y’all turning your 11 day journey into a 40 year one? Stop… Look… Listen…!

While traveling yesterday in unknown territory in a part of town I was uncomfortable and unfamiliar with, I tried to convince myself it would be easier to go the route I was accustomed to reach my final destination because I didn’t want to be inconvenienced. But the GPS kept instructing me to drive according to the directions on the map. I grumbled and complained the whole time while driving and with resistance, I followed instructions and got there safely. And on time.

However, on my way back I decided to change directions opposite the GPS, switched lanes at the last minute and followed my own leading thinking I would get to the freeway faster. Lo and behold, that wasn’t the best decision because it took me longer and further down the road than I wanted to go.

The moment I changed my mindset, turned around and went a short distance up the street, within a matter of minutes I was at the freeway and made it home in less time it would have taken if I had gone out of my way simply because I wanted what was convenient and not what was uncomfortable. My changed mindset made a huge difference.

How many times do we do this? Waste time at Mount bitterness, regret, resentment, frustration, irritation, or discouragement in our travel from Mount Past to the promised land of God’s call. We delay reaching the land of joy, rest, happiness or deliverance because of bad choices. *Raises hand* I’ll answer.

It is said, and I have a tendency to believe, sometimes we allow these things to take residence in our hearts because we refuse to change. Then we blame God for “delay not denied.” It’s not that God doesn’t delay our requests, because sometimes he does. Or does not necessarily deny our requests, because sometimes he does. Some prayers are unanswered simply because of our disobedience.

On the other hand, sometimes we cause our own delay and deny our own more abundant blessings when our mindset is not in alignment with what God promises. His ways are not our ways. His thoughts are not our thoughts. When God sends you on a journey, he promise his purpose will be fulfilled; in his timing. Don’t rush the process.

Life ain’t always easy. Get your mind right! Let go of what’s familiar. Stop taking the scenic route. Get spiritual. Navigate life’s journey with what I call the ultimate GPS, God’s Providential Sovereignty. Let the Holy Spirit guide you in the right direction. It’s already inside you. Move forward. Get your blessing! -Selah

Be blessed! – JD

Psalm 25:4-5 “Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths. 6 Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long.” (ESV)


Filed under My Thoughts, Personal, Uncategorized