Monthly Archives: September 2018

When The Devil Bothers You With That “You Ain’t Gone Win Mess”, Clap Back At Him! Tell Him, “Get Outta Here With That Mess.” I Was Created To Finish!

Peek A Boo JoaynnNothing’s going right? Feels like the whole world is against you? Problems, situations, or trouble overwhelming you? Praying but seems like God is not listening? Feel defeated? Attacks from the enemy at an all-time high? Whatever your hands touch are not prospering? No worries. You’re on the right track. The devil doesn’t come after nothing that is not a threat to his kingdom.

Don’t lose hope. Keep trusting God. Do what you’re called to do. But God. He has already handled it. You will win!

The moment you become discouraged and want to give up, remind yourself, “I was not created to give up or quit. I was created to finish!” You are on assignment for God. He created you for a special purpose. God has a plan and you’re part of it. Don’t stop. Keep moving forward.

The devil don’t bother no one who is not making progress. They ain’t got nothing he wants. The enemy fights those who are a threat to his kingdom. He wants you to give up! Keep doing the right thing even when the wrong thing is happening.

The devil is the author of confusion. Confuse him right back. When he thinks you are about to give up, show him what you’re working with. Instead of giving up, thank God that he is in control of your situation. Thank him no weapon formed against you will prosper. Thank him he will fight your battles. Thank him for all you should have done wrong, but you didn’t.

When you should have gotten weaker, you got stronger. When you should have lost your mind, your mind was made up. When you should have complained about everything that went wrong, you praised God in the middle of it. When you should’ve given up, you didn’t.

Yes, obstacles will get in the way. Persevere. Stand strong. Don’t complain about how big your problems are. Tell your problems how big your God is! The enemy loves what he does for free and will work overtime to get your attention. Your making progress gets his attention. Don’t give him the time of day. He is not worth your attention. The enemy doesn’t fight people that are going the wrong way. He comes against people that are headed in the right direction.

Frustrated? Disappointed? Friends turned on you? Want to give up? Don’t you dare do it! Don’t get discouraged. Clap back at the enemy! Tell him, “Get out of here with that mess! I WAS CREATED TO FINISH!

Your assignment is too important to give up. Remember, the devil doesn’t bother anyone who is not making progress. Finish strong. You are in it to win it. Keep it moving!

Be blessed! – JD

Acts 20:24 “But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.” (ESV)

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Stop it! Stop Choosing Certain Times to Friend God Because He Does Something For You When YOU Want. God Knows Best. He Already Got It Handled!

Thank Him Anyway JoaynnForgive me, it’s long but I been thinking….and this may bless someone.

When we encounter struggles in life that seem difficult to overcome, oftentimes we become desensitized to its effects because we fail to identify the root of the problem. Convinced defeat is part of the norm and our lives will end in disaster.

We keep going in circles with the same problem time and time again, bewildered, wondering what happened, why nothing changed, why am I still struggling? Asking God, “When will this all be over?” Isn’t it funny how surprised we are by the struggle? Watch this. Take note. There’s a lesson. Nothing should surprise you when the hand of God brings you through it.

Each and every one of us struggle with something. Believe it or not, struggles are supposed to happen. The difference in how we handle it will depend on how we respond to it. But do you ever notice sometimes when your struggle does not change, you are still surprised by it?

Struggle with bills? Isn’t it common sometimes? Sometimes isn’t there more month than money in your account? Struggle with people disappointing, leaving, or hating on you? Doesn’t it happen from time to time? Isn’t there a season, reason, or a lifetime for people to enter or leave your life? Struggle losing material possessions? Aren’t they temporary? So why are you surprised at it? Don’t be. Get a handle on it. It’s called life and it happens.

“…God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble” (1 Peter 5:5). If you will humble yourself under the hand of God, he will elevate you in his timing. Oftentimes when we are going through trials, we really do not have a clue as to how God is moving in our lives. We can’t see it but it is all for a reason. The hand of God guides, disciplines, refines, and instructs us. The more we recognize it the less surprised we will be by struggles that really are necessary for our spiritual development.

Why then do we cherry pick the hand of God based on certain conditions? “I like the hand of God when he gives me provision but I don’t when I struggle and can’t pay my bills. I like the hand of God when he works out my situation immediately but I don’t when I have to learn patience and wait on him. I like the hand of God when He gives me the desires of my heart but I don’t when I struggle and I’m down to nothing. I like the hand of God when prayers are answered but I don’t when I have to be pray without ceasing, read the word of God daily, and be consistent in my obedience.”

Stop it! Stop choosing certain times when God is your friend because he does something for you when YOU want it, and recognize the hand of God is available to help you help yourself. He got the parts you can’t handle, handled!

Here’s an AHA moment…there’s value in suffering. How? Glad you asked. It brings us closer to God and prepares us to be compassionate to others and do the work of God and His kingdom. Yes, while we don’t enjoy trials or struggles, they are necessary to help us grow. In fact they are required. Consider it all joy when you encounter various trials (James 1:2), because they are valuable to your spiritual growth.

The next time you find yourself struggling, ask God for wisdom to guide you and to help you learn the lesson for whatever it is he brings you through, in his timing, with his hands. It may be years down the line before you recognize why God brought you through that situation. But nothing should surprise you when you see the hand of God. Struggles are a necessary part of the journey. God just wants to know what took you so long. He’s surprised you didn’t come to him sooner.

Be blessed! -JD

Romans 8:17-18 “Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory. 18 I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” (NIV)

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Stay Woke! Keep Watch. Remain Vigilant. Watch out for Judases and Peters.

Stay Woke JoaynnStay woke! Who is your Judas, your Peter? Ones who have betrayed you or those who have denied you? Were you surprised by the betrayal or the denial? Did it hurt your heart? Were you disappointed in those who say they are devoted to Christ but their claims are meaningless when they are tested in the ordeal of persecution?

I ask these questions because inquiring minds want to know. How do you handle a Judas or a Peter in your life when you least expect it and are surprised by it?

God never ceases to amaze me. For some reason as I woke to begin my daily Bible reading in the Book of Luke, Chapter 22, I was led to Mark 14, the Death and Resurrection of Jesus, The Servant. As I’m reading the chapter, I noticed some similarities to the conversation I had with God moments earlier. I had a revelation. After my talk with God, I had a revelation and said out loud, “Stay Woke. Keep your eyes open. Don’t be surprised when people show you who they are. Believe them.”

Let me digress. When I woke this morning I started talking to God. I explained to him the difficulty I am having with the element of surprise. Because I don’t like surprises. I don’t deal well with it. I want to know everything there is to know right in that moment and not be surprised by anything. I explained to him how disappointed I am in people who surprise me when they show me who they are and I don’t want to believe it because of who I think they are when fooled by who they really are.

For the past five days I rose 3:00 am or 4:00 am in the morning wondering, asking God, “Why am I woke this early?! Today, I learned he was trying to tell me something. I wasn’t paying attention because my mind was heavily focused on the past event of the untimely passing of my father two and half weeks ago, of which I was surprised by. Just as I was with the untimely passing of my mother 2+ years ago. And there it was, the element of “Surprise” staring me in my face. It occurred to me God is dealing with me in this area. Okay God. I’m paying attention.

In this life there will be some Judases and Peters who will either betray you at your most vulnerable stage when you are going through what seems insurmountable to overcome or they will deny you in times of great stress only to leave you vulnerable to temptation. Even when your spirit is willing, but your body is weak (Mark 14:38).

Good news! Jesus explains in Mark 14:33 – 38; 40, 41 how to resist. “Keep watch – stay awake and be morally vigilant. Pray to God – this is how you maintain vigilance. Seek support of friends and loved ones – this is how you build up your resistance and help others. Focus on the purpose God has given you – this is how you do God’s will and not your own.” That’s some great advice!

Nothing in this life should surprise you. No circumstance, situation, person, place, or thing. When the surprise comes, even if your spirit is willing and the flesh may be weak, don’t fall into the trap of temptation. Don’t let the element of surprise fool you. Stay focused. Keep your mind right. Do as Jesus taught you. Pray to God. Seek friends and loved ones who support you. Accept it for what it is and move on. It’s life.

Surprises are part of the process. So are disappointments. Don’t become consumed by it. You may become overwhelmed when in distress or stressed.


Be blessed! – JD

Mark 14: 37 “Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. “Simon,” he said to Peter, “are you asleep? Could you not keep watch for one hour? 38 Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.” (NIV)

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