Today is “Wear Purple Day” in honor of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month

wpid-20141015102911.pngAs we all know October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month and I thought, what a perfect opportunity to ask you to wear purple today in support of this cause.

Sadly, many women have been and continue to be victims of domestic abuse and violence. Today, we can be the voice  for all survivors of domestic violence and make a difference by wearing purple to send a message.

Because of my own personal struggle with domestic abuse and violence having lived with and experienced it over the years, I think it is important we come together collectively as a nation to bring a greater awareness to issues surrounding domestic violence that need to be addressed to help prevent it and bring hope to those who have fallen prey to it. Be a voice for the voiceless. Silence the voices of those who either oppose or deny the seriousness of domestic abuse and violence. Take a stand.

Paint Phoenix Purple ( has organized a wonderful campaign for the month of October inviting everyone to help Paint Phoenix Purple in observation of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Please take a moment to visit their website for more information and get involved.

Domestic abuse and violence is serious. Abuse is not just physical but emotional, mental, sexual, and verbal. It is essential we not continue to ignore the cry of victims by making it irrelevant when sweeping it under the rug or downplaying the seriousness of it. Don’t ignore it. Know the warning signs. Become involved to learn what you can do to help save a life or put an end to it.

If you suspect someone is being abused or you are the victim of abuse, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE) and don’t be afraid to speak up even if it may be uneasy for you. Seek help. It’s available. Someone is there to help. Someone will help get them to safety.

Let’s join forces in honor and support of National Domestic Violence Awareness by wearing purple today. Let the world know Domestic Violence will not be tolerated in our community, our schools, our homes, and workplaces. Send a strong message letting the world know we are in this fight together. Wear purple ribbons, display purple signs throughout the community, drink out of purple cups, or find anything purple to show your support.

Thank you! Your support is greatly appreciated.

Be blessed! -JD

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