Tag Archives: Christian

The Minute You Become a Christian, Act Like One. Don’t Be So Religious Only to Fail at Being Religious Because You Lack Being Spiritual

wpid-img_20150311_085818.jpgI’m just a messenger. When God speaks, I listen. I would rather do what God says and have him be pleased at me than to do what others say and have them be mad at me.

God does not decide on or pick a particular person to hear a word from him. His word is for anybody who will listen. God has a strange way of revealing something he needs you to know. Because after all, we can never understand why God does what he do or how he does it. His word shall go forth.

God uses unsuspecting vessels to send a message. Listen for that small voice when He says something. When we have to think or ask, “Was that about me?” The answer should be “No. But if it touched you in any way maybe it was for you.”

Every day we can expect a visitation from God. When he comes we have to have our house in order. When your house is not in order with God, neither are you. No matter how right you are in all that you do, your wrong becomes your right because you are choosing to just be you. Just because you may have weathered the storm doesn’t mean you did based on your own merit. But God may have sent the storm to bring something to your attention that he may get the glory out of it.

Yes, God blesses us at all times. Yet when we choose to not grow when the storm is over, we miss the more that God has for us. His word says he wants to bless us and bless us more abundantly but he wants us to be obedient. It’s not that he can’t do it but it’s because we won’t let him. Don’t be so religious only to fail at being religious because you lack being spiritual. Change your mindset.

It’s one thing to say you’re a Christian and another when your heart is not right with God. God gave us breath. We can’t make ourselves breathe. Just because you are a religious person, being religious doesn’t make you a Christian. Being religious is when we choose to live a life that honors our relationship with God. We rely on His wisdom. We allow his will, and not ours, be done. We are intimately connected to God and our spirit longs for a deeper relationship with Him. We choose to live to please God and not ourselves.

No matter how well we look on the outside, we have many reasons to deny what’s on the inside of our hearts. Actions speak louder than words. Be careful not to let your actions become idols as a result of your rituals. When you say “I’m a Christian” but don’t act like one, you are merely saying to God, I will act like a Christian sometimes but I won’t be a Christian all the time. I will choose when to act like one.”

Yes we can go to church regularly, we can say our prayers night, day, and all through the day, and we can even worship and praise God with our mouths thanking him for everything. All that is good but…when you choose not to commit to an intimate relationship with God and devote your life to his way of life, you make the mistake of living in vain because you are slowing dying a spiritual death when you choose to live without his intervention.

You are a sinner. You are dead to sin. Through faith in Christ, you can be saved and made whole again. “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith–and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God–not by works, so that no can boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9). You are spiritually renewed. Admit you need God’s intervention. When you are saved you are born again. The minute you become a Christian, act like one.

Isaiah 29:13 tells us, The Lord says: “These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is made up only of rules taught by men.” We can know a lot about God but not know God personally. “When we claim to honor God while our hearts are far from him, our worship means nothing. It is not enough to study about religion or even to study the Bible. It is not enough to act religious. Our actions and our attitudes must be sincere. If they are not, Isaiah’s words also describe us (Matthew 15:8, 9).

There’s a saying “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” When I was a kid I used to believe this when people and even those I considered family would pick on me or call me names that would hurt my feelings. As I grew older I found some truth in this but believed in my heart that words can hurt more than sticks and stones and should never be the reason why we consciously inflict pain onto others by saying things that are mean, hurtful or not true.

Our decisions, actions, and way of thinking should reflect God’s character so that when people see us they may see Christ in us. And not see in us who we choose to be when people see us. Refusal to see the error in your ways does not excuse the behavior. In fact it only exacerbates it. How many times do you need to know that God is the great I AM THAT I AM? He, not you, will get the glory out of it.

Take a personal inventory of your life and check to see if something is missing on the inside. Is there a void? Is there a hole in your heart that you cannot fill? Do you believe something inside your heart is missing? As sincere as your religion may be, it is not enough to meet the needs of your heart or fill what is missing. Admit to yourself, I need God’s intervention. Go to God. Seek him. Say to him, I cannot do this thing called life by myself. Lord I need your help. God can fill the void. Change the error of your ways. Live a life pleasing to God. Live out the Fruit of the Spirit. God will be pleased.

When you feel the need for God’s intervention in your life, it is then and only then you come to understand your need of God. The moment you are born again, your sins are forgiven and you have a relationship with God. You are spiritually renewed. Old things pass away. A spiritual transformation takes place. You are a new creature in Christ. You are no longer who you used to be. Be the person God created you to be. I pray this blesses someone.

Be blessed! –JD

Matthew 15:8, 9, 11 “These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. 9 They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men.” 11 “What goes into a man’s mouth does not make him ‘unclean’, but what comes out of his mouth, that is what makes him ‘unclean’ ”.

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Have You Transferred Your Citizenship? How Are You Promoting Heaven’s Interest?

wpid-img_20140725_010944.jpgPaul says the kingdom of God is to be lived, not just discussed. To talk about faith is just that – talk. Faith without works is dead. Don’t just talk about faith. Live by God’s Word. (1 Cor 4:18-20).

I can’t sit and pretend everything in my life is perfect because I’m a Christian. I can only tell the truth about what’s not perfect in my life because I am a Christian. While I cannot speak for anyone else but myself. I also have to be honest and tell the truth about my broken self. I’m a broken vessel.  Please don’t judge me. Believe it or not, we’re all one step away from falling into the pit or entering eternity.

It doesn’t mean I’m perfect. None of us are. We’re flawed. We fail God every day. Every day, we all fall short of God’s glory. We may not always do the right thing. And although it’s not enough, sometimes we try to act like Christians but fail at being one.

I strongly believe there’s good in each of us. Some choose to do good, some don’t. Some don’t value their gift. Some gladly use their gift. However, what I have difficulty understanding is when you say you’re a Christian and act like one, why is it difficult being one?

In Ephesians 3:20, Paul tells the Philippians to remember that they are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. I ask, “Have you transferred your citizenship?”

When you say you are a Christian tell me how are you promoting heaven’s interest? Are you leading lives worthy of heavenly citizenship? Or do you fit in the same category as those who profess to be Christians and act like one? But fail to transfer their citizenship to heaven because they still seek earthly pleasures and treasures instead of heavenly ones?

When we become Christians, God makes us different on the inside. We no longer are the same person we once were even if we look the same on the outside. We love and obey God. Our hearts are transformed. Our desire is to be like Christ. We are conformed in his image. We spend time daily in his presence reading the Word, praying, and meditating. What we do on the outside reflect what is on the inside. Our hearts are devoted to God. We have a willingness to serve the Lord.

In every area of your life don’t just act like a Christian, be one. Live and act in certain ways that will please God. Change your mind set. Do what pleases God. Be selfless. Deny self. Glorify God in every good deed. God will be pleased.

Consistency is when you work every day to be Christ-like. It’s a journey. It doesn’t happen overnight. Discipline is required in order to grow. You can’t move forward when you’re not willing to change or accept discipline in order to grow.

Ask yourself these questions and then answer them. Have I transferred my citizenship? How am I promoting heaven’s interest? I say I am a Christian. Not only will I act like one. I will be one.

Isn’t it strange how God can use us fallible, broken, unfaithful vessels to speak to His people? Isn’t God good? We’re privileged. Thank Him. Lord we come before your throne of grace. Continue to use us for your glory. Thank you God for who you are. You are the great “I AM THAT I AM” (Exodus 3:14). Thank God I am a Christian.

Be blessed! –JD

John 13:13-1713 You call me Teacher and Lord, and you are right, for so I am. 14 If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. 15 For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you. 16 Truly, truly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. 17 If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them.” (ESV)


Filed under My Thoughts, Poem, Uncategorized

Cute, Comfortable, Convicted or Condemned?

Jesus is considered by scholars such as Weber ...

Jesus is considered by scholars such as Weber to be an example of a charismatic religious leader. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Would you rather be cute than comfortable; Convicted in the spirit or condemned? Or would you rather have Jesus, who died for our sins? Would you live for God and die to sin? I’d rather have Jesus. Amen.

As Christians, we can’t be judgmental, selfish or pick and choose when to be a Christian. We are called to be ambassadors for Christ and must be a representative of God in all situations. Our attitudes, the way we treat others, the way we treat our family and our hearts must be a reflection of who we are in Christ. Under all circumstances, we are to die of self; represent Christ in every aspect of our life.

Being a Christian doesn’t mean you should be someone other than the person you were created to be. However, as a believer it will change the person you once were into the transformed person you are called to be. Being a Christian shouldn’t be that hard. It shouldn’t be that hard to live as the person God designed you to be or to live for God.

If someone were to ask you about your faith, how would you respond? Would you tell them about your faith in God? Or would you remain silent? Not everyone will approve or understand your decision to follow Christ. However, you mustn’t make an excuse to not tell others about Christ.

As believers, God’s Spirit lives in us. Even when others don’t understand the concept that God lives in us. We must not use this as an excuse when someone rejects God. Nor are we to remain silent or fear sharing the Word of God. “We are still one of God’s communication channels (1Cor 2:14, 15).” Be alert. Seize every opportunity. Be a mouthpiece for God’s kingdom.

Your voice can be an inspiration. It can be the voice of reason in someone else decision. When someone asks you about your faith, don’t be afraid to answer as a Christian. Your response can help someone make a conscious decision. “Another person’s question may be evidence that God’s Spirit is drawing him or her to the point of decision” (1Cor 2:14, 15).

Think on these things. And the next time you find yourself faced with such a question, ask yourself, who am I representing? Remind yourself, “I am an ambassador for Christ. I am a Christian.”

Would you rather be cute than comfortable; Convicted in the spirit or condemned? Or would you rather have Jesus? I’d rather have Jesus. Amen.

Be blessed! -JD

1 Corinthians 2:14-16 “The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned 15 The spiritual man makes judgments about all things, but he himself is not subject to any man’s judgment: 16 “For who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him?” But we have the mind of Christ.

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