Tag Archives: it’s my year

2017 Is On Its Way. Follow Your Dreams Like Never Before. Do Something Extraordinary!

your-future-joaynnWith 2017 fast approaching in less than two days, make a commitment to do something extraordinary! Follow your dreams like never before. Step out your comfort zone. Declare, “I will have all that God promise me.” You are more than a conqueror! Go get your blessing!!

Don’t let what needs to be left behind you, your past cause you to miss what is waiting in front of you, your future. Press towards the mark. Your future is waiting.

If we were to take a look at our lives and can honestly say we know it was nothing but God that brought us this far, why is it we continue to make choices we believe are in our best interest only to remain stuck because we are comfortable? We cannot transition into the next level if we choose to stay bound. We have to step out of our comfort zone.

God deals with us one thing, one step at a time. He doesn’t rush us. But we cannot move forward if we choose not to press towards the mark. We have to be willing to be led by the Spirit. Otherwise we miss it. We have to want to be guided by God. We have to want to be led by God. We have to want to stop doing the same things we’ve become comfortable with doing to get different results.

If we keep doing the same things that are not what God wants us to do, or never change our mindset and believe we are on the right track because time and time again everything works out in our favor, we will miss the great life God promises us. And live a sub-standard life because of our own choices. Shouldn’t we want more from life if we know we can have it and have it more abundantly? Hasn’t God laid the path out for us? Make the decision to follow his instructions.

When we as believers profess and know God but are stubborn in our ways and choose to be ignorant to what and how we know we should apply the Word of God to our lives, don’t blame God when it doesn’t turn out right. Blame yourself when you suffer consequences as a result of your own doing.

If we know God promises all things will work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28), why do we forsake him and not believe him? Why do we worry? If you truly want to walk in the promises of God, believe what he says, walk in it, change your mindset, and choose to live as he desires. Whatever God says, believe it. He said it. That settles it!

Happy New Year!!

Be blessed! – JD

Proverbs 1:5 “A wise man will hear, And will increase learning, and a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel.” (Proverbs 1:5 NASB)

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