Tag Archives: selfish needs

Don’t Allow Your Circumstances To Change You

The one thing I find that does not change in life is facing opposition or obstacles. Not a day goes by that something does not happen in our lives where we are driven to make a choice either with how we will respond to a situation or how we will behave because of a situation that someone else may have caused prompting an unsolicited response.

Some of us may wake with a feeling of joy, contentment, and accomplishment feeling blessed and thankful God allowed us to see another day. Only to feel lost, broken, confused, and downright sick and tired of being sick and tired when faced with an issue that will affect our well-being or our life because something drastically changed by the middle, end, or few hours of the day.

It took me years to arrive at the place I now find myself being content with how I choose to handle things but I think back on a time when the least annoyance or literal change in my life would cause me to explode, rant, rave, and be in an uproar because of my inability to change the course of action to fit my selfish needs. It didn’t matter who was affected by my decision nor did it matter how I would react. All that mattered is I needed to have my own way. And I would allow obstacles and my way of thinking get in my way preventing me from thinking rationally to make an appropriate decision that would minimize its affects, because of me.

Through time as I developed and matured in my relationship with God, I changed and the manner in how I would respond to situations changed drastically. I accredit this all to God. And while many believe when you grow in age, with age comes wisdom. I am convinced with knowledge of God, when we look to God, come godly wisdom.

Life changes and we do to. But when we learn to accept that which is in our control and leave the rest up to God, we will change for the better too. Emotional responses and irrational thinking will render unfavorable results. Wouldn’t it be easier to respond in a way that will favorably change the outcome and bring favorable results? Instead of  blowing our temper, giving up in frustration, and simply leaving it only to have it come full circle again because we really had not resolved it properly in the first place. We can choose to go to God. Make a decision with a clear mind, seek his direction, find an honorable solution when given discernment and move on, trusting God.

Every day the enemy comes to kill, steal, and destroy. And in most cases, it starts in the mind. We are what we think and we become what we feel when we lose sight of who we are. When we allow our minds to convince us we are above all things on earth and above God and can handle everything that comes our way, we will fail because of refusal to change our mind set. We suffer the consequence even though we could have avoided it. And cause our own demise out of failure to grow spiritually and look to God for wisdom and knowledge in it.

Be willing to change your way of thinking when making decisions in life where nothing is off limits when it concerns your well-being, your health, your children, your finances, and your family. Look to the source, God, for guidance. Choose not to respond to the situation. Suffer not in your affliction. It may seem hard, too much to bear. Know that God will give you strength to endure in your suffering.

You may not understand what you are going through. Regardless what suffering may bring, keep the faith. Trust God to bring you through. In your worst circumstance, rely on God. In the worst situation, trust God. He will bring you through. God promised you.

Everything in the Bible counsels us to trust God in all things no matter the circumstance. Trust in God. Don’t look at your circumstance. “Trust overcomes fear. Trust overcomes depression. Trust overcomes hate.” (1Pe 4:19) You will walk hating everything about your life when you lose sight of God and choose not to change your way of thinking or wait.

Don’t let your circumstance allow you to fear. And cause your mind to convince you to think irrationally out of fear. Trust God in good times and bad, during rainstorms and cloudy days. Even when your money is low and your pockets are full of small change. Trust God in all things. “No matter how overwhelming the situation looks or how it makes you feel” don’t respond out of emotion. Look to God for answers to questions he will reveal (4:19). Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find (Matt 7:7). Don’t conform to the patterns of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Ro 12:2).

Pursue knowledge of God to grow spiritually. Change your mindset that you may think clearly. Seek godly wisdom, the Word of God. Rely solely on God. Grow in Christ. Let the Holy Spirit guide your thoughts and actions in reveal of the right answers in order to make the right decisions fearlessly. Have the mind of Christ.

Don’t allow your circumstances to change you. Even if your situation may not change, consider it an opportunity to allow God to change you. Your heart and mind will also change. Rely on God. You will never be the same.

Be blessed! -JD

1 Peter 4:12-13 “Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. 13 But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed.” (ESV)


Filed under My Thoughts, Poem, Uncategorized